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Showing posts from July, 2021

Let's create simple LoadBalancer Server - Node JS

Load Balancer is server that refers to process of distributing a set of tasks over set of a resources. prerequisite 1. Node Creating the simple http web server. Server 1 Server 2 Creating the simple load balancer module. Load Balancer Output:

Interceptors in Angular - Adding custom headers in all http request.

Intercepting requests and responses From Angualr Docs "With interception, you declare interceptors that inspect and transform HTTP requests from your application to a server. The same interceptors can also inspect and transform a server's responses on their way back to the application. Multiple interceptors form a forward-and-backward chain of request/response handlers. Interceptors can perform a variety of implicit tasks, from authentication to logging, in a routine, standard way, for every HTTP request/response. Without interception, developers would have to implement these tasks explicitly for each HttpClient method call." Multiple interceptors Example : Adding custom headers in all http request. Example code on github Run the code in stackblitz File Structure: Code: Output: The header will be added in all http request.


Web API'S - URL API What is URL? A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. Examples of URL. Syntax URL javascript usage Example 1 Example 2 Console

JVM Languages

List of JVM languages The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) isn’t just for Java anymore. The JVM was initially designed to support only the programming language Java. However, as time passed, even more languages were adapted or designed to run on the Java platform. 1. Java (statically-typed object-oriented) 2. Scala (statically-typed object-oriented and functional programming) 3. Groovy (dynamic and static typing and scripting language) 4. Clojure (dynamic and functional) 5. Kotlin (statically-typed) 6. Ceylon (statically typed object-oriented language) 7. Xtend (object-oriented) 8. Fantom (object-oriented) 9. X10 (experimental object-oriented language) Learn More.